Learning / Hands on lab / table top exercise

Real life experience may be a powerful way to learn, but cybersecurity education should not have to come at the price of a device or system breach that does real damage. Our table top or scenario based exercises allows your organization to get exposure to realistic security incident simulations, but without jeopardizing your data, your patients’ data, or your hardware or software. As another option, hands-on labs let them work through situations and make any mistakes safely in a secure environment. We run both table-top exercises and hands on labs for customers.

Our facilitators drive the table-top exercises, shaping or changing the sequence of events in the exercise as needed, to be the most relevant and productive for the customer team doing the exercise. Questions and discussions are part of the exercise too, to engage participants and prepare them for real life situations that could follow. Gaps or flaws in procedures are brought to light, and roles and responsibilities are clarified.

Our hands-on labs give your organization direct practical experience in identifying and remediating vulnerabilities in systems or devices like those in their own work environment. Realistic threat scenarios help participants to develop and hone their cybersecurity skills before the next threat materializes in your organization.